The Mountain Of Fire


Thursday, December 17, 2015.

2Kings 6:16-17
There Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha and other sons met with God.

Lesson: Anywhere the prince or king goes, the guards will follow. It is a must trail thing that a king is not let alone to a place except for personal findings. Though a king may, but not a prince, because of his heirship. There is always the covering of horses and chariots for him, for in the multitude of people is the strength of a prince but lack of soldiers the downfall of a king.

There is always an hedge of covering on all the sons of salvation. As mountains are all about Jerusalem so is the Lord over all who trusts in Him. The mountain of God stands sure and its name is Zion, the city of the saved salvation. When we call someone saved, that is he is safe (from all harms). A terrible fear fell on the son of the prophet Elisha when the Syrian large host came for the prophet. Just a witness of few seconds light, turned everything around.

“And behold, a mountain full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Not only Elisha have this privilege of the hosts, but every follower of the Host. Ever seen where a sheep walks alone? Every son of the kingdom is guided by the Host. With gains of the Spirit, they increase and increase, but with fail and fear they decrease and weakens.

FOCUS TODAY: Christians are not hills or lowlands but exalted mountain, full of fire and surrounded by angels. #fact #focustoday

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