All Round Rest


Thur., August 27, 2015.

2Samuel 7:1
I sincerely wish war was a pleasanter and easier business than it is, but it does not admit of holidays. – A. Lincoln

Lesson: Would you prefer an all round rest to a trooping long life battle? Though it may appear lazy to answer positive, but a rest all round though it be for few years that is peace is better than wars all years. Champions are made not by number of wars but number of peaceful days.

“Now it came to pass that the king dwelt in his house, and the Lord had given him rest from all his enemies all around.”

King David was a mighty man of war made by God that all his battles were with mighty blows. He won all, if not all, but all. He was never a loser except in the battle against Bathsheba. Now the Lord gave him rest all around. That all around was not exaggerated here. It was plain and true.

Though the most ever peaceful kingdom was that of Solomon, David’s son, and that was when he was with God. Suddenly after his sliding back, he got so many enemies who wanted him down. That’s the same life with the Christian. Emphasis are been made to us, because we have a status to live by and that’s the word of God. We need peace as a fruit part but how does this all round peace emerges? It is and can only be given by God and that’s when our obedience is complete.

FOCUS TODAY: All round rest is not an all day slug or panda sleep, but being at peace with God and man. #fact #focustoday

No More Vessel…


Sun., August 2, 2015.

2Kings 4:6
And the Spirit of the Lord moved over the waters…

Lesson: In the times of sore need, there really was nothing to sell again, all you do is think from dawn to dusk all together to make dust. The widow of the son of the prophet arrived the Elisha’s domain with a plea for debt payment, or her sons serve as slaves. With compassion, the prophet erected a project of another borrowing. Go therefore gather vessels, borrowed and all sorts, pour the only jar of oil you have in them until there is none left empty.

Truly there was a miracle of non stop flow of oil, and the vessels were filled to the brims, none was left half or unfilled. The widow asked her sons, “bring me another vessel but he said unto her, there is not another vessel, so the oil ceased/stopped flowing”. Though the number of filled or borrowed vessels was not recorded but with the context, they were much and the widow was full of joy.

The generation has come when the heavens cry loud, ‘bring yet another vessel’, but the reply is, ‘there is no more vessel, there is not yet another vessel…’ We are a lost generation of Christians, a Church revelling, the saints dying, no one is standing and the oil has ceased flowing. The Spirit is hovering over empty spaces.

FOCUS TODAY: Our world is in debt to righteousness and the Church is lacking vessels, everyone now a slave to sin. #2Kings46 #fact #focustoday

A Word For The King

Thur., July 9, 2015

Proverbs 31:1-8
The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit. -Avicenna

Lesson: If you ever gets a chance to meet a ruler, whether a governor, president or a king, what special advise will you give in the uncommon meeting? The masses are groaning and blaming the authority, in which you have also dashed into before. And now is the time to talk. Carefully coined words will spring up with ever alarming caution, but you are the president’s special adviser for those few minutes.

King Lemuel, the son of her womb and vow. The king was actually a vow to his mother, and here was her advice to her son, the king, few to mention among many. But her very first one was, dear beloved son and king, do not give your strength to women for that way destroy kings. Do not drink wine nor intoxicating drinks, for they make you forget the law and pervert justice. So foolish advice they may be, if a king doesn’t do them, then who will? Many kings have perished through that way and it leads to death.

If we won’t deny our kingship and statutes, we (Christians) are kings. Though servant-like on earth but full rulers in heaven if we’ll strive it. O king Christian, do not give your strength to strange lovers, nor to pleasure drinking. The law is our fulfilment and grace our anchor. For we are even greater Nazarenes. That’s the advice.

FOCUS TODAY: In the annals of the kings, those who started well and ended in the well are most. What record will you hold? #fact #focustoday

Challenge Of Identity

Joshua 17:14-15
When men ask ‘who are you?’ A fear surges if you are fake.

Lesson: The first identity a person or system will give is its name. The name is a vital part of a man or system but it’s not really his/its face. The dressing may also be used for an address but the name is a very powerful tool for identity.

In the sharing of lots to the Israel tribes, then the children of Joseph approached Joshua saying, “you have given us only a lot to share since we are a great people…” So Joshua answered them, “if you are a great people, go up to the forest of the Perizzites and the giants and clear it for yourself!” What a challenge of identity. They indeed were great people in mass and tribe, a two in one tribe. Their way of approach gave them an astonish answer. The Israelis who in the first place feared the giants are now to face them for a possession. They (Joseph) sure did and overtook the forests. They proved their identity.

The Christian identity is yet to be proved in many. The world is still in search of true Christians. The truth is missing in us. We have journalists who go to persecuted places and at the point of their death would confess their back on Christ, but on the moment of release, would repent again. That’s not Christianity. Trust, truth, dedication, deadness to the world, I mean hatred for the world is dead in us.

FOCUS TODAY: If the world cannot find Christians to be true, how will Christ find us (at the blast)?  #fact #focustoday